Why do immigrants in New York require proper English language classes?

Moving to another country is tough especially when an immigrants cannot speak English. While English is a universal language, there are numerous immigrants who do not speak English. Being one of the top developed countries, USA is home of immigrants. Thus, if any immigrant wants to migrate to the country, it is crucial that they have ability to understand the language. There are variety of English programs in New York that help the immigrants learn the language and live in the new country. Here are a few reasons why immigrants need ESL classes: Improve their English:- The first thing that ESL does is help the immigrants improve the language skills. This is beneficial to them as they can access the society as a whole. The learning of new language is not same for the immigrants and they cannot be compared with the people who have English as their first language. Help immigrants to find work:- Another thing that ESL classes do is help the immigrants work. Different countries have...